At Verity we believe there is no such thing as one size fits all. Each individual we interact with has had different events and life experiences that have shaped them into the person they are today. It is important to us at Verity that we take the time to understand you as an individual- not just a number. Our philosophy is to try to experience things with you so that we can understand who you are. With that knowledge, together we can formulate a treatment plan that will have the highest yield for you. This may take more than one session and there is no such thing as a magic bullet that cures all problems immediately, but our work together can create the change needed to help you get better.

At Verity one of our main goals is to make your journey to wellness convenient for you. This involves having multiple services, including individual counseling, available within our practice. A well rounded treatment utilizes all resources to get you to your better self. Studies show that counseling together with therapy have favorable results vs. using just one or the other in treatment.
Having providers on staff with varying backgrounds is important for your needs as well. Verity’s ultimate goal is to find the treatment plan that works best for you.