We perform Independent Medical Examinations for employers and insurance companies for the purpose of determining the cause and consequence of a work related injury (or other injury where liability is at issue), whether treatment has been appropriate, and if maximum medical benefit has been reached. An IME can not be performed on a current patient as that would disrupt the physician-patient relationship. They are generally conducted at the request of an employer or an insurance carrier to obtain an unbiased opinion of the clinical status of the individual.

As an Expert Witness, our opinion by virtue of our education, training, skill, and experience, is determined to have expertise sufficient that they may be relied on legally as determined by a judge. Due to the nature of having expertise in an area, our opinion is focused on the specialty of Psychiatry and it’s niches within depending on the subject matter. Please inquire for further information and clarity on how we can be of assistance. We are an impartial party, therefore serve for both plaintiff and defense depending on the source of the request.

We perform medical file reviews as need. These can be used to assist in evaluating a case, and can be a cost-saving alternative to an Independent Medical Exam. This type of opinion can be provided either with or without a written report.